Wednesday, December 20, 2006

let it rain and rain!!!

it's drizzling outside,and the weather is just so home,it's so quiet because Yusof and Ibraheem is not at home-Yusof is at Aunty Lin's place and Ibraheem is at Aunty Liza's it's just left me and Umar at home.....

now,I'm snacking on some Milo Balls,it's like Koko Krunch but not as sweet as Koko's enough to last until lunch arrives....wonder what's for lunch...hmmmm....

next door is ever so quiet most of these days eventhough they're at home...I think they wake up late,because the other day,I went to their house,they just douched [this word is a mixture of French and English!] and I asked their maid,"Diaorang baru mandi ke?" and she answered "Ye,diaorang bangun lambat masa cuti sekolah..."I was so shocked.... :D


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