Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"Angels and Demons" thats my catch!

while typing this blog...I'm reading "Angels and Demons"...quite a nice book by Dan Brown....and this book is the prequal of "The Da Vinci Code"...should finish it before Thursday!![I want to get a new book!!!]

dad is already in his car...and now he's of to now at home,it's just me,the computer and everything that runs in the house.......

I just remembered Joshua [le malfesaint professeur :D] gave us homework which is sooo hard...and I'm not able to do it because my dictionary is in dad's soon as dad gets home from work I have to take it out!

now...I'm trying to get mum to bring my handphone to get it repaired and as soon as it's repaired,I want to go trade it in for a Nokia 7373 [L'Amour Collection]...fell in love with the handphone because of it's colour,design and everything else that makes it perfect...and guess what,mum agreed! she says the BenQ-Siemens easily gets rosak so.....yay me!!!

I'm so what time mum's coming home...mum cooked rice[as usual] and ikan masak asam for me....but if I want to snack on something, I'll just eat the Campbell (Packet) Soup....I think it was mushroom and croutons or something like that...

now...I want to snack on something...
tell you how it goes later....current time:10.36 a.m

current time:10.38 a.m.
I'm back...I guess it took me two minutes only!:)
it was mushroom and cheese! and I made some warm milo...I hope its good...but nothing beats the normal mineral water.!

I'll write some more updates I want to snack!

Bring Me to Life-Cloud, Tifa & Aerith

1 comment:

Nafastari said...

currently i'm reading angel n demon also, have started so long but still haven't finished for i'm not interested in that science n futuristic stuff.. xtau la bila nak abis
thanx for visiting my blog n linking mine to yours