Sunday, March 25, 2007

jogging halfway through?

went jogging just now in the morning.well,dad was the one who persuaded me to go so I followed.I wasn't jogging,well I did but after we reached the bridge which was heading to Kemensah Heights,I felt like I was going to faint and I felt like barfing.That was my worst experience ever in jogging!

Halfway through the jog,I walked.Yes,I did.Well,the reasons are [1] I wanted to see the view and snap some pictures [2]I felt like I was going to faint.Yes,faint.How chronic is that?As we reached the border between Kuala Lumpur and Ampang,dad let me rest at Auntie Jee's restaurant while he finishes his jog and to go back home,drive the car to Auntie Jee's restaurant and pick me up.

While waiting for dad,I snapped some pictures because of boredom.

[SK Taman Melawati was having thier annual sports day]

[a chair-pic taken with C300 digital cam]

1 comment:

bola2api said...

what a small world! this is the road leading to my sis inlaw's house.