Friday, February 9, 2007

wangsa raya in the dumps

[I didn't do anything to this pic!Just the screwed up by itself.]

aaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!Wangsa Raya lost to Wangsa Setia [a.k.a. blue house].It was so frustrating and Aiman was like "hahahaha.Merah kalah!!!!Biru menang!!".well,I just kept quiet.bla bla bla Aiman!its only once a year,so no I have to focus on Sukan Tara which will be on Monday and Tuesday.

[my hand and my friend's hand.yellow against red]

*Red can't lose,not again!never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

I'm so tired.4.5 km!!!aaargh!!!along the way,me and my friend sang a silly song which we learnt during orientation week-"Lai Chee Kang semangkuk satu kupang,LAI CHEE KANG!" and when we nearly reached the school,we ran with our tired legs and our sweat and everything else that was on our body with full speed.Crazy or what?

[dewan right after I reached school-note:This was after the run]

"Roti anyone?"
hehehehe.overall,I think the run was quite good.Kudos to SMKS5,Wangsa Maju!there's still next year so no worries!Now,my minds focused on Sukan Tara.Wangsa Raya go!!!

BTW,Naqib won first place [for kelas pertama,I'm in kelas ketiga.]

"congrats to Wangsa Setia and also to Naqib."

1 comment:

Dad of 4+1 said...

Dont worry, there is always next year. You have tonnes of time to train....LOL