the new blog.It's on Xanga.
Do visit!
ramblings of a 13 year old
I'll not be writing in this blog anymore because I'll be writing in a new blog which is yet to be created.I hope you'll be a bit patient for the new blog.
posted by
7/22/2007 09:25:00 PM
1 shout outs
I think this is my first formal dinner I went to.It was the Talent Night of Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah,Putrajaya.I was invited by Farah.Actually,Farah's childhood friedns is in that school so their mum invited Farah.Because Mama Pu*i didn't go,Uncle Patr**e drove us there with Luqman,Sarah,Kh**ijah-Farah's best friend.Kak Fatihah and Abang Ferhan was there too.Because I was the only one at the table who had a camera,Farah asked me to take lots of pictures of the event,so I did!
Our table was table number 9.The table was at the back of the wind orchestra but a bit farther so we heard them playing clearly.Their performances were very good.I would give them 10/10.The first performance was pantun which was recited by four people who won 1st place in the Putrajaya section.
Later,it was followed by Tarian Zapin.Tarian Zapin is a dance from Johor.I recorded a video of them performing so you can see what they have in store.Sorry for the unsteady video.It was hard to keep my hand steady because I had to lift the camera high because the people in front of us were in the way.Their dance was very interesting and they danced to a song by Noraniza Idris.
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7/01/2007 09:37:00 PM
shout outs
The one on the left was a bit bigger than the one on the right but I'm satisfied with it.I've just realised that I'm quite good at memorising designs.On Thursday,I helped draw this design onto this Health Education thing and they were amazed,"How'd you do it?" I told them,"I looked at the cover of a book I was reading," and they asked,"Where is it?" I told them,"I've already memorized it of course." and they went, "oohhhh..."
BTW,Dad,Mum,don't get mad.I seem to enjoy drawing designs.
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6/29/2007 10:48:00 PM
shout outs
This is the view of the sunset from my dad's new office on Level 3,AmpWalk.I was bored at that time andsince I had nothing to do,I stood by the window and watchet the sun go down.As the sun went down,I also managed to snap a lot of shots of it.It took only about half an hour for the sun to go down.Was really a memorable moment for me.
The sun colours the sky as a farwell token for us here on this side of the earth.
BTW,I won the essay competition!2nd place.Mr Ch*r says that our essays shouldn't have been judge because different people have different ideas.
posted by
6/27/2007 09:37:00 AM
shout outs
I think it's been a month since posting anything.My bad.Last week I was busy because I had a lot of stuff to catch up on at school because I had my Silat training for the competition at Stadium Titiwangsa but because of mum's maternal instincts,I didn't go.Cried nearly everyday because of that and still crying silently sometimes.Anyway,lets get on to the recap,shall we.Pictures will be coming later because now I'm posting from my dad's office.
During the schooling week last week,I had to fill forms like free dental check-up from the Government because I go to a government school.Had to finish an essay on 'Teenagers' which I entered because our English teacher,Mr. Ch*r suggested I entered it because I got 50/50 for my essay-and it was the highest.
Yesterday,went to dad's office to sort out the files which were covering nearly every inch of his old office and after that went to French class.After French class,a treat for me-Azuki coffee frappucino from Starbucks and also a sandwich from the Pie Shop.Later,went to see Uncle Man and A'qiel who both has Malaria now and A'qiel has both Malaria and Dengue.At the hospital,I decided to follow Yusof and Afiq to the cafeteria with Afiqah accompanying me and guess what I saw opposite the cafeteria?Starbucks!You should've seen how excited I was.Luckily,I had RM10 so I settled down with a cup of hot Cappuccino coffee.It was RM9.98-including tax.At home,I continued reading 'On Beauty' by Zadie Smith.Mum bought that book from Singapore for $16.50.
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6/24/2007 01:20:00 PM
shout outs
That's my number one dad.He was reading the newspapers and I quickly snatched he dSLR he borrowed and took a picture of him.I sit like that when I read newspapers. Hahaha,enough about that.But,it is the same.LOL.Anyway,he's turning 39 tomorrow and next year 40!He doesn't look his age.Trust me.He looks younger than any of the other 39 year old people I know.Now he hasn't been going to the gym so he has some flab,but I don't mind.
BTW,when is Fathers Day?I'm bad-no,horrible at dates.Trust me I am.
Happy Birthday dad!
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5/25/2007 10:32:00 PM
shout outs
Yes,I did it again.Brought C300 to school to snap some photos of our Teacher's Day celebration.It's a belated celebration because during the real Teacher's Day day,we had our exam so we had to wait until today to celebrate this day.Today,I counted,there were more than 2 students in our school aged 14-17 had a dSLR camera and the brand was either Nikon or Canon and I was screaming my head off-literally of course.Man,they're lucky but anyway I stuck to C300 and tried not to look at the dSLR's.
My friend brought her Olympus along.It's 6 megapixels and the pictures are very nice.I was kinda jealous of her camera but anyway,I'll have to wait for a new camera.The open hall was flooded by students both morning and evening session and it was packed but all the same,everyone had a great time.
Now that's how packed the hall was. Everyone was talking and talking until I couldn't even hear what the teacher was saying eventhough they had lots of speakers.There were lots of performances by the students and teachers.I think there were around 15 performances and the one I liked the most was when Cikgu Nizam [morning session] sang the Perpisahan song by Anuar Zain.Nearly broke into tears.
This was when a group of Form 5 students from class 5 Gigih[I think],sang Josh Groban's,You Raise Me Up.Didn't really here their voices,but when the song nearly finished I heard them much more clearly.
The prefects were on duty but as the clock striked11 am,all of the prefects started sitting down and chatting.The two girls in the picture are just prefect candidates.Will be official prefects next year after proving that they are worthy for the job.
This is my gay [as in gay:happy,not the other meaning] friend,she's from Manchester,UK,moved in 3 months ago and she's from 1 Bina while I'm from 1 Cekal.We're always gay when we're together especially during recess or when the teacher's not in class and she wanders around the corridor with me.She's a ManU fan and she's good at editing pictures using Photoshop.
Got bored for a while and went to find my petsis.Sat with her,her friends and my gay partner and while I was watching at Cikgu Nizam's preformance,saw a piece of chalk behind me.Took it,and drew this little thingy ''Saya s'Vian!''.I erased it so no worries.That's all of my blabbering for now.Toodles!
posted by
5/25/2007 02:08:00 PM
shout outs
Got bored while I was studying and played with my Tigger puppet which was given to me ages ago.It's still in good shape,except for his nose.It's turned from pink to grey!My table is oh-so cluttered!The Malay dictionaries are piled up on the right side of my table and an MPH catalouge,a [beginners] caligraphy set,a study planner for high school students all reside on the left side of my table.I wouldn't say that's tidy because it used to be neater before I started high school.I guess,with all the text books,reference books and note books,it could turn my room into a library.
Talking about my libraries,my bookshelf has no space to put my storybooks anymore.I just shove them into the empty spaces on top of the other books and if there's still no space,I just stack them on my cabinet.I think I have more than 200 books already.Wow.I really am a book worm!
Have a nice week,and to those who are sitting for exams or whatsoevernot.Good luck!
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5/14/2007 08:11:00 AM
shout outs
[A view from where I was sitting at San Fran]
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5/02/2007 06:36:00 PM
shout outs
Mum brought us to Taman Tasik Titiwangsa for the boys to play football there.She actually wanted to bring us to Lake Gardens but eventually changed her mind.On the way,saw Eye on Malaysia and my impression was,"It's not that big." Didn't get a chance to take a picture of it because I wasn't sitting beside the window on the left.
Umar and Yusof had a misunderstanding of some sort.They were shouting their heads off and somehow it echoed throughout the park,and mum sort of came to the rescue but when Umar came crying, she just laughed.I wonder why...
For me,I set off with C300 of course.Picture hunting of anything interesting.Nearly got a picture of a flock of birds eating some scattered rice but they flew away as soon as I got near to them. Had to go barefoot for a while because my Asadi sandals were a bit wet but managed to dry it off for a while before putting it on again. ...and in the end,persuaded mum to bring us to McDonalds for a treat.I had Spicy Chicken McDeluxe,Oreo McFlurry and a little bit of Ibraheem's large sized ribena.Now my throat is aching.Have to drink lots of plain water later.
posted by
5/01/2007 02:50:00 PM
shout outs
Had to stay at KLIA until about 9 pm because dad's flight was delayed and we accompanied his rombongan to Pan Pacific Hotel.As soon as we reached the exit,I received an SMS from dad,
"Don't miss me!"
hehehe.I will miss you dad!
posted by
5/01/2007 02:36:00 PM
shout outs
Finally dad bought me my treat.Yes,my monthly dose of coffee or anything related to it.Went to San Fransisco at Ampang Point but from the bottom of my heart,I wished that San Fran was Starbucks.But my wish didn't come true so had to face reality.I thought the reason dad dragged me to Ampang Point was because he could get his IT stuff and take me for coffee at San Fransisco but whaddya know, when I pointed at San Fran he asked me with a blor kinda face,"Bukan ada Starbucks ke kat sini?" [Wasn't there a Starbucks here?] and I looked at him and sniggered "Dad,mana ada Starbucks kat Ampang Point" [Dad,there's no Starbucks at Ampang Point] so in the end,we had dinner at San Fran.
I drank Vanilla Frappucino whic was blended with vanilla ice-cream and on the top,whipped cream!Ate mushroom chicken pie which was RM6.50!It was quite worth it because [1]YUMMY [2]YUMMY [3]BIG portion.But I still like Starbucks no matter what! :P
dad,next month I want Starbucks.
posted by
4/14/2007 11:33:00 PM
1 shout outs
sorry for the no posting for the past-what, one week?Had to study like,24/7 for the past two weeks because of my school's monthly test.Our 2nd monthly test was earlier than any other school which I know.Well, that's great because while other people are studying the s'Vians here are just shaking their legs waiting for the upcoming tests or exams.
maybe I'll get like 7 A's out of 9 subjects because I studied seriously eventhough I got distracted by TV.To my surprise,I watch the Martha Stewart show.Yes,I do and it's quite nice because Martha teaches how to make nice food,nice DIY's and lots of stuff!If you want to check it out,watch it on NTV7,10 am from Mondays to Fridays.I thought Martha Stewart was like 35 years old or something but she's actually 60 plus.She looks so young!Hope my parents will look forever young eventhough they're getting older day by day.
I gotta go...
want to get ready for school.
PS mums and dads
click this
[it'll open in a new page,don't worry.]
crafty stuff to do for the weekends!
posted by
4/13/2007 11:20:00 AM
shout outs
Yes,went to a waterfall at Kampung Kemensah.Dad woke me up to do my morning prayers and I fell asleep and 15 minutes later he woke me up and said "Eh,bangunlah[eh,wake up-lah] ,we're going to have a picnic!" and I woke up,"Huh,whaddya say?". I was tired at that time because I had to do my BM portfolio and now I only have a few more articles to finish so,yaay me!
arrived there around 8.30 or so and the boys were already excited but mum made them eat first.We ate nasi lemak and drank teh tarik.As soon as I finished eating,Yusof suddenly screamed "Ada ular!" [there's a snake!] but actually there wasn't.When Umar jumped into the water with the other boys,he suddenly said,"Nak keluar.Ada ular!Umar takut!" [I want to go out.There's as snake!I'm scared!] and I tried to convince him that Yusof was just making him scared but he protested and dad carried him out of the water to bathe him...
posted by
4/08/2007 11:24:00 AM
shout outs
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4/07/2007 07:11:00 PM
shout outs
oh god,it seems like I haven't posted anything here for a year or so.It's so empty!I actually don't have the time because I have to update on ADP while trying to catch up on MMTB.I'll try to reply your comments on MMTB in the nearest time!
next week,NO!monthly test!oh dear,I don't think I'm going to make it through everything.I have like one whole list of everything I'm supposed to do but I haven't managed to do yet.I'm way behind in studies now especially;History,Geography,Living Skills,Islamic Studies and French!NO!French test is on Saturday and I think I'm going to fail.I've been planning to sit down after getting home from school and reading over my French notes but I'm always occupied by school homework.Now I need to find a way to finish my BM scrapbook which is due this Monday!
oh dear,dear,dear.I'm starting to panic like Piglet from Winnie the Pooh.
This picture reminds me of due dates for homework.Actually took this picture for the Daily Photo Theme Day but decided to put something else.So this is like a reject picture.My blog looks so empty because there are no pictures!I'm feeling blue now.
posted by
4/05/2007 08:56:00 AM
shout outs
posted by
4/02/2007 08:51:00 AM
shout outs