Friday, April 13, 2007


sorry for the no posting for the past-what, one week?Had to study like,24/7 for the past two weeks because of my school's monthly test.Our 2nd monthly test was earlier than any other school which I know.Well, that's great because while other people are studying the s'Vians here are just shaking their legs waiting for the upcoming tests or exams.

maybe I'll get like 7 A's out of 9 subjects because I studied seriously eventhough I got distracted by TV.To my surprise,I watch the Martha Stewart show.Yes,I do and it's quite nice because Martha teaches how to make nice food,nice DIY's and lots of stuff!If you want to check it out,watch it on NTV7,10 am from Mondays to Fridays.I thought Martha Stewart was like 35 years old or something but she's actually 60 plus.She looks so young!Hope my parents will look forever young eventhough they're getting older day by day.

I gotta go...
want to get ready for school.

PS mums and dads
click this
[it'll open in a new page,don't worry.]
crafty stuff to do for the weekends!


Anonymous said...

apology accepted hehehe...

Afif said...

Yeah, we must support convicted felons like her sometimes :)

Dijah said...



Dad of 4+1 said...

Ha it is your friends think I'm your bro and mum your sis! YOu should act your age dahling!LOL!